If books are our babies, I have to share my first book in her new party dress.
I loved the graphic quality of the old cover, but too many people asked me if it was for adults. YES!
It obviously looked too young though, some thought Young Adult. So time for a new cover, and my cover girl Rosey Hudson and I agreed this was perfect. Same scene, better representation.

If you haven’t read it yet, check your eReader– I’ve given away thousands of copies to introduce readers to the Fortune Bay series.
If you only ready print, it is available in print at Amazon, Barnes & Noble online, and the Createspace store.
For a sneak peek at chapter one, CLICK HERE.
I loved your last cover, but I love this one too. I can almost feel the wind on her face.
Rosey rocks at the covers, and you at the stories.
all the best,
Thanks Jo-Ann. I’m lucky to have an “in-house” cover girl.
I don’t know how people could think the first cover denoted a children’s or YA book, it looks like an adult to me. But I do love the new cover too. Unfortunately, covers are so important, sometimes if I really, really love a cover, I won’t even bother reading the blurb, I just buy the book, thinking if the cover is that good, so must the book be. I have found all your covers are wonderful.
Keep up the fantastic writing
Thank you for the vote of confidence Nola. I’ve bought books on the grounds of the cover too, so I like to be clear about what people are getting. I think this one represents the story well.