Cover Confusion

Looking back on 2018 – well, it’s been a crazy year. Despite The Big Move, I managed to publish three books, two that were already mostly written, Starting Over (Fortune Bay) and Temple of the Jaguar (Rocky and Bernadette Mystery #1), and the last Fortune Bay book (I think) Starlight and Tinsel, that I did write this year. In the confusion of packing, selling a business and moving our workshops, I’m amazed I got them out!

My scattered state of mind is evidenced by how I mixed up my two free books here on the page! Sorry if it had new readers scratching their heads.

Summer of Fortune – the first full length Fortune Bay e-book – is free at all online retailers.

(Please let me know if Amazon changes it back to 99cents, as they do randomly. I think just to show they can!).

And Lake of Dreams, the prequel novella is now my gift to new members of my readers group. If you are a member and for some reason have never received it, let me know. If you’d like to join, Click Here.

You can email me anytime about anything at  I love hearing from readers.

I also changed some covers, but just to confuse people even more, I’m changing the cover of Summer of Fortune – the free book – back to my original cover.

I was starting a rebranding but realized I loved most of my original covers, ones that resonated with me from the start since I designed them myself with my graphic-designer daughter Rosey. So I’m changing Summer of Fortune back.

Summer of Fortune is free at all online retailers.


I do plan to change the covers of Home for Christmas – again. The original only said “Christmas” to someone from the pacific Northwest -lol. And the new one is too visually confusing to see the title and my name.

I’m also going to change the cover of The Good Neighbor, which I think is too static and does not reflect Frankie’s character. So watch for all that in the new year!

I’m talking about these covers on Jo-Ann Carson’s podcast, Blood Sweat and Words, that aired Christmas Day 2018. It was fun. Have a listen.

So I hope 2019 is a quiet year around here.

Now – on to the next book!

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