It’s an Amazon package where for $9.99 a month you can download and read as many books from the Kindle Unlimited library as you want. Over one million books are free to subscribers on the Kindle Unlimited platform and by joining KU you can take advantage of those offers.

Because I have a KU account attached to my Canadian Amazon account, I see the $0.00 KU price as circled on the Amazon book page above.
Now might be a good time to sign up when due to the Corona virus many libraries are closed.
And bonus, e-books arrive germ free!
If you don’t have a kindle e-reader you can download a free app to your phone or tablet, as in the other circled item in the picture above. I talk about that HERE.
Americans can find KU on, and customers in the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, India, China, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Canada and Australia can sign-up for Kindle Unlimited in their local online Amazon store. Amazon is planning to continue expanding the service to other countries soon.