Can I make any more mistakes with the date and time of this facebook party!?
I must have had the calendar open on the wrong month when I set up the party two weeks ago, and when I wrote the last post about the 20 questions survey and set it to go live today, because since then I have realized I had the date (and some of the times!) wrong. (As my husband pointed out so helpfully this morning, there is no Thursday June 7.)
And, to complicate matters more, I later changed the date to Tuesday because of a previous commitment. (A Grad!)
To say I am in my own little world when I’m immersed in the first draft of a new book would be an understatement.
So, let’s try it again.
On Tuesday June 6 I’ll be posting and chatting with readers for an hour from 10 – 11 am PDT (1 – 2 pm EDT) and again at 6 – 7 pm PDT (9 – 10 pm EDT), but you can drop in any time Tuesday June 6th and add your comments to be entered in draws.
To see the corrected original post– including what’s in the draws and my answers to the 20 Questions Survey — click here.
Now, if I can only remember on Tuesday to show up, everything will be fine!