Cue the trumpets! Ta -da! Here is the gorgeous cover for The Good Neighbor, the next book in the Fortune Bay series.
(For those of you who have read Summer of Fortune, TGN is Sean and Frankie’s story. 🙂 )
I’m moving right along. Since the launch party for SOF, I finished the final edit of The Good Neighbor. (Whose bright idea was it to put out another book every two months this year?! Oh yeah. Mine! This falls under the category of, “it seemed like a good idea at the time.” LOL)
The release date is August 23rd, and I know it will be here before we know it. The Good Neighbor is already up for pre-order on amazon, with more platforms coming soon. (See the side bar for links.)
Now I’ve taken a week off before going back to work the final book.

A week to do some normal things, like baking cookies. Not just any cookies, but the original recipe for Children’s Delight that I promised at the end of Summer of Fortune I would share on my website.
Currents and spice – these are delicious!
(More about the Great Cookie Battles of 2016 next week when, I promise, I’ll put up the recipe.)

And I went with a friend to see a rousing version of Footloose at the Chemainus Theater. I have fun memories of volunteering there a few years ago, helping with props.They always do a fabulous job of set design, and of course the food, in this case lunch, was great.

And let’s not forget weeding. This is one of the better areas of my wild garden.
After all the rain we’ve had, I really will get out this weekend and weed.
They said in the paper that the weather will be warming up, so here’s hoping next week I’ll be ensconced on the back porch, deep in the fun part of being a writer again – writing new scenes for Home for Christmas.
I can hardly wait.
Come back for the cookie battles next week, but until then, get out and enjoy the summer.